10 December, 2011

Why colonising Kepler-22b is a bad idea?

(Yes, I haven't posted in a while, and I just had to get this off my chest, after saying it aloud so many times).

A few days ago, they discovered a planet that's supposedly in the "inhabitable zone" of the Kepler-22 system. Scientists started to say that it has the conditions for life (as they know it) to exist. As obvious of earthlings, they started to say that they could colonise the planet Keppler-22b in the future.

Oh, wait, have they considered that it might not be such a good idea? let's see why I'm against it.

1. First, look at this picture and compare the sizes of these planets:

As you can see, planet Kepler-22b is more than twice as big as earth, which means that it has more mass and therefore, gravitation is more brutal. Sorry, earthlings, but the same way the Selenites from The First Men in the Moon would be too fragile for earth's gravity, you'd be too fragile for that planet's. Heck, even I, in my alien form, couldn't resist it! I'd have to eat a lot, and very often, just to keep defying it to some tolerable degree.

2. Colonising a new planet? Seriously? You earthlings turned this planet in a hellhole, multiplying like Guinea pigs and trashing everything, and now want to go and do the same to other parts of the Universe? Pfft! the definition of cancer suits your race very well. You should stay confined to this planet, and shouldn't even own it anymore.

So yes, the idea of earthlings colonising that planet is a very bad idea.

07 March, 2011

If I ever turn into a scaly

Since I've had a page in Fur Affinity, I've seen transformation (TF) art, about humans or anthro being transforming into another species, anthro or otherwise. So for some time I've pondered how things would be if I transform into a scaly (more specifically a dinosaur), and I've been weighing the pros and cons of becoming a scaly girl.

  • It's a given I'll rarely look like shit, even when getting off the bed.
  • I won't have to do my hair, thus saving time and money.
  • I'll have sharp teeth and claws, which would be more useful than the ones I currently have as a human, especially as weapons.
  • I'll have an awesome tail that could very much come in handy in certain situations.
  • Depending on my scales' colour(s), some of the colours I currently wear would clash or make me look 'muddy'.
  • Same for the many make-up colours I love to wear in this pale human skin.
  • Speaking of make-up, I won't be able to apply certain presentations, like cream or pencils.
  • Of course I'm married to a scaly, but what about my other 7 husbands, who are human? It'd be weird for them if I'm a scaly. Not to mention all the other human guys I have crushes on.
  • Also, what about the people in my planet, who are mostly human? Their Queen, a scaly? They'd accept me, but it'd be a tad hard for them.
So let's stay an alien human who's married to a handsome scaly guy ^_^

P.S.: I was about to post about the Apocalyptica concert, but this came up instead. I owe you.

21 February, 2011

Deseos pa' pedirle a Nova


  1. To be well-off by the time I turn 30.
  2. Que desaparezcan los hijueputas que sólo existen para hacer daño.
  3. Que me aleje toda la gente manipuladora y cabrona de mi alrededor.
  4. Que la madre que tengo en la tierra deje de querer joderme y manipularme.
  5. Que se castigue a la gente cabrona más rápido, antes de que sigan haciendo daño.
  6. Un Malibu azul de 2011 o un Honda 2011 azul cielo, con GPS y buen equipo de sonido.
  7. Que Hugo Chávez pierda las elecciones en Venezuela.
  8. Que alguien se lo mame a Fortuño pa' que lo saquen como quisieron sacar a Clinton.
  9. Que mis gatos duren mínimo hasta los 20 años de edad.
  10. Que mis productos de belleza se vendan en un futuro y me dejen muchos chavos.
  11. El nuevo CD de Apocalyptica, 7th Symphony.
  12. Mi propio avión.
  13. Que los conductores en las carreteras del sur de FL dejen de ser tan mamaos y guíen más rápido.
  14. Being able to help awkward teens be more confident.
  15. Ser como la Terminator de Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
  16. Que Nightmare no me vuelva a joder más nunca la vida arruinándome los sueños.
  17. Tener la habilidad de saber qué recorte le va a quién.
  18. Que Miss Endless no se olvide de mí y me dé pon a mi planeta de una puta vez.
  19. Que el cabrón de M. venga pidiendo cacao.
  20. Y el deseo más importante de todos: "I want to control earth".
Voy a tener que reunir las 7 estrellas un cojón de veces, porque Nova concede los deseos uno a la vez.